Saturday 28 May 2011

The Son of Neptune killed me

Yes. You heard me. The second book from the Heroes of Olympus series killed me this morning. I woke up in a bad mood (again) for my cousin was hammering mad just outside my window. So I jumped out of bed with my eyes puffy and my temper high and marched my way outside to rant on everyone. Okay, I didn't do that. Why the heck would I? They're fixing the roof and I couldn't make them leave with half the roof still open. Okay, so I opened my PC and checked my Twitter, Facebook, blah blah blah until...... I saw the cover of THE SON OF NEPTUNE!!!

Tada!!!! I know, awesomesauce!
 I don't know why but I like it better than The Lost Hero. 

So what do you say?

Anyway, I also read the first chapter of The Son of Neptune and voila! Percy's back, baby! Yes! You heard me again. Although I thought the sneak peek was too short (10 pages only) but I had to admit it was exciting! 
October 4, 2011 is the date of its release and I, along with the others, am busy sitting in the corner waiting for the months to pass. Just wake me up when September ends. ;) Cool! It fits!

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